Saturday, 17 September 2016

HOW TO: Care for yourself!

Hey my beauties! I hope you have all had a good week, and your weekends are going well :)

For this weeks post, I thought I'd do another one of my "how to" guides, this time on self care.


Self care is SOOOO important for anyone. How can you recover, how can you help others, how can you achieve your goals if you neglect yourself and your own needs? Answer: you cant!
So here's my little guide on how to properly care for yourself:

1) Make yourself a priority

You deserve to look after yourself. You are worthy of self love! Accept that caring for yourself is NOT selfish or indulgent, it is simply an act of survival; so schedule in one night a week just for YOU! Forget all your troubles and stresses just for this one night, nothing else matters but YOU. Think about it like this, everything you do couldn't happen without you; so if you feel like other stuff is more important - IT'S NOT! All the other stuff doesn't even exist without you, so take this valuable time to make sure all your needs are met, physically and mentally. I promise you all the other stuff you have going on will be a whole lot easier to deal with if your mind and body are both content.  

2) Ask yourself what you NEED?
You need to figure out what you are missing right now; you need to ask yourself, "have I fulfilled all my needs?":

*Have you ate?
Make sure you've had a sufficient amount of food for the energy you've exerted today. Listen to your body - is it craving anything? Make sure you are nourished.

*Are you hydrated?
Drinking 2-3 liters of water a day helps combat fatigue, makes your skin glow and helps digestion. Your body is 90% water so make sure you keep it fresh and topped up by sipping that H2O!

*Have you had enough sleep?
Ideally you need 7-8 hours of sleep per night, but I know this is a lot harder than it first seems! 
Ensure you allow your mind some down time at least, if you are unable to get sufficient sleep. Relaxation is SO important! 

*Have you took care of your hygiene needs?
Have a shower or bath, make sure you have clean clothes, brush your teeth morning and night and wash your face. It seems so simple but you will feel so much better for doing it!

*Have you rewarded yourself for your achievements today?
However big or small they may be, you are amazing and you achieve amazing things, so recognise that. Give yourself a pat on the back, treat yourself! 

If you're like me you may find it really hard to switch off your mind at the end of the day! But relaxation is SO SO important, it reduces stress and increases productivity and creativity. So we do need to try our best to relax every now and again. 
Here are a few of my tips:

*Mindfulness meditation:
I'm sure you have all heard of mindfulness? I know I mentioned mindfulness in my last "how to" as well but I do just think it is such a valuable technique to learn and practice!
So mindfulness meditation involves sitting or lying in a quiet space where you wont be disturbed. You train your mind to focus on the here and now rather than letting it worry about all the other things going on in the world. I like to think of it as my way of hitting the pause button, stopping the world from spinning for just a little. I've found it results in better sleep and a better appreciation and connection to your body and all of its needs. I would recommend using the Calm app (website link in my Helpful links page) if you're just getting into this kind of thing, there is a "7 days of calm" sequence that will guide you through all the techniques. 

Another way I like to relax is by practicing yoga. I just find it takes your mind off everything and puts your focus again on the here and now. I also find it really helps you appreciate your body and what it can do. I know it sounds cheesy, but since yoga is about creating space, I feel like by practicing it regularly you clear out all the negativity, creating space for new positivity. Also this method of relaxing is really good if you're like me and prefer to be moving, as it allows you to move about, stretches your muscles and rids your body of any tension. I would really recommend checking out the YouTube channel "yoga with Adriene" if this is something you are interested in trying out, by far my fave online yogi!   

4) Do something you LOVE

Make sure you make time for your hobbies and interests! Doing things you love is also a good way yo relax and is a form of mentally taking care of yourself. Life is a careful balance of work, rest and play; the work part tends to take care of its self, and we've just talked all about how to relax so the next step is making sure you schedule in time for your hobbies!
My main hobby is running so I always make sure is schedule in time for at least two runs during the week, this really helps me chill out after a busy day at work and just takes my mind off all life's little dramas for a bit. Some times I even get the perfect solution to a tricky problem pop into my head when I'm out running, taking your mind off everything for a little does really help!
I also love my animals and it makes me really happy to spend time with them. I always schedule in Sunday afternoons to spend time at the stables with my beloved pony and to walk my dog.  
It doesn't matter what the activity is, it even doesn't have to be outside; it could be something as simple as reading a book or meeting up with a supportive friend for coffee. But whatever it is, make sure you spare some time to do what you love! 

So there we have it guys, my "how to" guide on self care! I hope you find it helpful, but as always, everyone is different so put your own spin on the steps and see what works for you! 

Stay fabulous my beauties! 
Love Becky

Monday, 12 September 2016

THE GREAT NORTH RUN: A bopo babe's journey from start to finish line!

Hello my beauties! I hope you are all doing well and feeling good!
So as some of you may know from my Instagram, I completed the Great North Run yesterday! I thought it would be fun to share with you my experiences from the moment I started my training to the moment I crossed the finish line; nothing but the truth. I hope this will show that ANYTHING is possible when you work for it.
So here goes.....

Getting a place:
It was February when I found out I had a place in the run, through a local charity. I was super excited!! And then, OMG the realisation that the furthest I'd ever ran was 4 miles and even then that involved A LOT of walking! 
I had always liked the idea of running but I'd never been any good at it! Being the little chubby kid at school, I hated athletics and I'd always be last in cross country running (I bet if you told my old PE teachers I'd just ran a half marathon they'd think you were joking!). 
It dawned on me that I had one heck of a lot of work to do if I had any chance of completing this thing alive!

Setting a training plan:

After a bit of searching on Pintrest, I found a training plan I thought seemed manageable:


I worked out that this meant I had to start properly training in June. But between February and June I wanted to work on improving my running and endurance. 

Issue number one: Plantar Fasciitis  

So it's March and everything is ticking along nicely, I have a few park runs under my belt and I'm feeling positive. My speed and endurance are both improving. Then one morning I wake up and realise I can hardly walk!! It hurts to even put my heel down on the floor and the arch of my foot is hot and inflamed. This is what they call plantar fasciitis my friends. After some Google research, I discovered this condition will affect most runners during their lives and is damn hard to get rid of! This was the first moment I thought I wouldn't make it to the Great North Run.
I tried several attempts to cure this on my own, (I would NOT recommend doing it this way!!). Me being me I tried to battle on through the pain with my makeshift remedies and I managed to tear the ligaments in the outer edge of my foot! So a trip to the physio was my last hope! 
It took a few appointments and doing stretches several times a day at home (which I still have to do now in order to keep it at bay) before I was able to walk again! 
I also had to invest in a pair of properly fitted running trainers, (neutral Asics if anyone's interested!) 
I would SERIOUSLY recommend if you guys are wanting to get into running that this is the FIRST thing you do! Don't make the same mistake as me, properly fitted shoes will prevent injuries and a lot of stress and tears! 

Issue number two: Kidney infection followed by kidney stones

After I'd managed to get on top of my plantar fasciitis, I began running again. I was just getting back into it and starting to make progress with the distance I was able to run. And then BAM trouble rears it's ugly head again! 
One day I woke up with a super bad back. It was hard to breathe, it hurt that much! Typical me though, I just thought nothing of it and went about my day. Gradually, it got worse and worse to the point where I couldn't stand up straight. By the time I was driving home from work I was feeling sick and my temperature was sky high! I spent the night having uncontrollable convulsions, one minute feeling freezing and the next feeling hotter than the surface of the sun! 
Anyways to cut a long story short I went to the doctors and was told I had a pretty bad kidney infection. It took about a month to fully go away! This was the second time I thought I wouldn't make it to the Great North Run.

Just when I thought I was on track for the second time, I felt that same niggling in my back that I'd felt with my kidney infection. This time though, the doctor said I was infection free. So after an X-ray and an ultra sound it turned out I now had kidney stones! And damn did that hurt! I spent several weeks with a hot water bottle permanently glued to my side. It hurt to lie down, it hurt to sit and it hurt to stand. Not a fun time my friends! By now I was thinking, me and running just aren't meant to be! 
Eventually though, the pain subsided; the stones lay dormant for a bit but eventually passed. And OMG did I know about it when they did! Also not a fun experience!!

Training gets underway!

So it's June by the time I'm able to seriously get into my training! I'd like to say I stuck rigidly to the training plan above, but life just gets in the way and sometimes you don't have time to train 5 days a week! But I did try and get in a minimum of 3 runs per week, prioritising my long runs. 
More detailed accounts of my training progress can be found on my Instagram! I won't bore you with it again here! 

My first ever race:

My training had many ups and downs, one of the major ups however was taking part in my first ever race back in August. 
For me this was totally a pivotal point in my running journey. It was the moment when I thought to myself, "yeah, I'm actually ok at this!". 
I was aiming for a time of 1hr 15 mins; my official race time was 1 hr 2 mins!! 
Never underestimate your own abilities!! 

Last long run before the big day! 

So this was the furthest I'd ever ran in the lead up to the Great North Run. 
11.15 miles! And I was so not prepared! I'm sure this was one of the hottest days of the year and I made the rookie mistake of not taking enough water with me! Big booboo! Meaning by the time I got back home, I was hot and sick and dizzy and ready to pass out! 
But we learn from our mistakes right?

The final training run:

Standard selfie after my last run of 4.25 miles! Feeling apprehensive and excited! All the hard work has been done now its just time for the main event! 

The day before:

This involved lots of pre-hydrating and carb loading! I kept my legs active by taking my Sidney puppy out for a walk.

This is my HUUUGGGEEE bowl of pasta (of course gluten free!) That I ate for dinner on Saturday night. Now this resulted in a bit of a carb coma, I'm not gonna lie to you! 

The picture doesn't do justice of just how HUGE this was!!

Every runner will know, it's so important to prepare your kit the night before! 
With everything all ready the excitement was REAL! 

After half an hour of stretching and a bit of foam rolling, I covered my legs in tiger balm and headed off to bed! Gotta get the beauty sleep in before the big day!!

The big day is finally here!!

My alarm woke my up at 7am, and then my second alarm woke me up at 7:10! I was damned if I was gonna sleep in! 
So straight downstairs to prepare my breakfast. Yep you guessed it, more carbs!! Wholemeal gluten free bread with peanut butter, chia seeds and banana. And two cups of coffee...and a Berrocca! Gotta make sure you're energised! 

Breakfast of champions
More preparation - banana, water and energy gels (and some dark chocolate which I didn't have time to eat :-( ) to take with me to keep me going while I waited to start! 

Almost ready to go, kit on! And just time to pose for a few pictures for my Mum before I head out the door! 

My Mum told me to do the Mo Bot since Mo himself was taking part!

On your marks get set go!

So, after almost missing my start zone because I was waiting in a huge portaloo que, I finally was ready to go! The enclosure was PACKED, you could hardly even move! Well it is the worlds favorite half marathon right?

Green wave zone I: Can hardly move!!
The official start time was 10.40, Mo Farrah and Co set off at 10.40am on the dot! Us normal people however had to wait a fair while before we were even anywhere near the start line! 
The iconic red arrows moment where they fly over the Tyne bridge with all the runners running across...Yeah I hadn't even moved at this point! I think it was about 11.20am when my feet finally crossed the start line! 
And this is pretty much how it went:

Oh my, I'm off my first half marathon is underway! 

Mile #1
OK, lots of people in front of me, I'm sure I can squeeze past them. Whoops I elbowed that person "sorry!"
Ah wow this atmosphere! The camaraderie! Everyone singing "oggy oggy oggy" under the road bridges! So cool!

Mile #2
Oh my gosh! I'm running over the Tyne bridge! WOW! 
Oh damn I missed the first water stop! 

Mile #3 
Oh cool 5k, I can do this!

Mile #4
OK, I need to try and settle into my pace now! I'm gonna be here for a while....

Mile #5
Yes! I've hit my pace! OMG I love this I could do this forever!!

Mile #6
10k already? I LOVE THIS!!

Mile #7
Oh wow over half way! This is great! Better have an energy gel....

Mile #8
OMG I feel sick, I think I have indigestion from the energy gel. That pain in my stomach is unreal. I don't think I can run any more!!

Mile #9
Seriously this is impossible!! I can't do this!! 
If I hear one more person shout "oggy oggy oggy" I will make sure I elbow them ON PURPOSE!

Mile #10
Oh ok, mile 10! Only 3.1 more to go... maybe I CAN do this?

Mile #11
Not long to go! I can see the sea front! I'm getting close...yes I CAN do this!

Mile #12
Oh my legs! One mile to go, time to channel Dory, "just keep running, running, running...what do we do, we run, run!"

400m to go!
YES! that's the finish line! Come on legs go go go!! 
Oh bumping into people again! "Sorry!!"

YESSSS!!! I've made it!! I'm done! 

I'm never doing that again!!
Like, seriously! 

I'm not gonna stop walking in case I can't start again! 

Ignore the fact this says Shirley! Sadly couldn't get a place in my name :(

Time to collect my medal and t-shirt! 
Yeah go me I have a medal! 

Cheesy grin waiting in line for my DIET COKE!
Actually, that was AMAZING! I loved it! I wanna do it again!!! 
Sign me up for 2017!!!

The aftermath:

Pride of place

So I eventually found my parents, the finish line was MANIC! No one tells you there's no phone signal at the finish due to all the people there also trying to contact their families!! 
Sat on a wall waiting for my dad and the guy sat next to me congratulates me and offers me a can of larger; he thought I was crazy when I turned it down! All I wanted was a can of diet coke!! 
I felt sick and so dehydrated, my legs were jelly, I had a random nose bleed and the 20 min walk from the finish enclosure to the car was a nightmare; it took me about 45 minuets before I felt normal enough to stomach my post race MarsBar! But did I complain? Not at all! I was on the biggest running high you can even imagine! All the work I'd done for the last 8 months had paid off, I'd completed the Great North Run in 2:28:20 totally smashing my target of 2:45! 

Back home and pinned my medal on my wall, pride of place where it belongs; before hopping in the shower and refueling with a well deserved Chinese takeout! 
Some more stretching and foam rolling before bed meant my legs were still useable this morning! 
Yes I've been achy today, yes I've been tired, and oh my I've been SOOO hungry! But all the aches and pains are totally worth the massive achievement I made yesterday!

Writing this post for you guys has made me just want to do it all over again! Honestly, yesterday was the most amazing day! Something I never in a million years thought I'd be able to achieve! And I hope I've inspired some of you to go out there and achieve your own goals too :)

So now to plan my next challenge! I find out next month if I have a place in the London Marathon in April 2017 (fingers massively crossed!). And if not there's always the Sunderland half marathon in May! 

But for now my biggest challenge is getting down the stairs!!


Until next time my beauties!

Stay awesome 
Becky XOXO 

Thursday, 8 September 2016

HOW TO: Always enjoy food and meal times

Hello my beauties! I hope you are all well!
So for today's post I have decided to construct for you all a sort of "how to" guide about enjoying food. I wanted to do this because these are some of the things I've found helpful during my journey. 
Throughout my eating disorder, I would tend to just put food in my mouth without even thinking about what it was, or where it came from or what nutrients it had in it or even how it tasted! (to be honest I didn't even taste the food I ate, I just put it in my mouth and chewed. Eating was more of a chore than a pleasure). I'd eat the most boring, bland food possible just because it had the lowest calorific value. I forgot that food is meant to be ENJOYED! 
Below is my makeshift guide; now I'm not saying it will work for everyone and I'm not saying its a miracle cure, as anyone recovering will know, it's a painstaking process and things require time and effort. But hopefully some of my "steps" will provide an alternative perspective! 
So without further a-do, here it is:

1) Accept that food is your FRIEND!

Food is NOT the enemy! No food is "bad" or "naughty", just as no food is "clean" or "safe". Food is food. Its not meant to be feared, its meant to be enjoyed. 
Food cannot physically or mentally harm you. Its not going to punch you in the face or call you names. The only thing food can do is NOURISH you! 
The way I like to think of it is that all food has a purpose for needing to be eaten, even junk food. Each type of food gives something different: Fruit provides fiber to maintain your digestive system; Vegetables provide vitamins which are good for your skin, hair and bones; nuts, seeds, meat and fish (just to name a few!) give you protein which repairs your body's cells and builds muscles; bread, pasta and potatoes provide carbohydrates which give you slow release energy (which is good if you're into cardio or running like me!). And then we get to the good bit, chocolate!! which provides sugar for a quick energy boost! 
You see everything is eaten for a reason! Even complete meals have an underlying reason to be eaten. For example you may reach for your favorite stodgy comfort food when your feeling low, be that mince and dumplings or toad in the hole or jam roly poly, who knows it could be anything! if it makes you feel good, then it has served its purpose. 
The point I think I'm trying to make here is NEVER feel guilty about eating anything! There is reason behind everything whether it be our body that needs that particular form of nourishment or our minds and souls. ALL food is necessary and ALL FOOD IS GOOD!

2) BANISH calorie counting!

Image from:

Just STOP!! Nuh-uh calorie counting is never a good thing, it just leads to stress and misery! I know some of you wont believe me now but there IS a life beyond calculating every little last calorie. I've been there, spending hours of my day relentlessly adding up, recalculating every time I ate something new. If one of my friends offered me a polo mint? Yep even that would be calculated! It's no way to spend your life! Imagine all the other tings you could be doing with that time?? Chatting with friends, reading a book, shopping!! Life is short so enjoy it, live! Don't be a slave to the calorie! 
Food should only be analysed for the nutrient content not the calorie content. Linking into point number (1) above, prioritise making sure you are getting enough of each food group, enough vitamins and minerals NOT ensuring you have a certain amount of calories.
Our bodies are very clever things, if your body is telling you it's hungry it's because you need food so EAT! If you're craving chocolate, you need energy so go get the damn chocolate! Being in tune to our bodies requirements this way is sooooo much healthier than sticking to a recommended daily calorie intake. 2000 cals is the recommended allowance for the average woman, now I don't think that's very much at all, and for someone who is active it's just plain not enough! Some days when I'm out running I'll easily burn 2000 calories just in one 2 hour run! Every body is different, everyone does different activities, plays different sports, has different jobs, therefore we can't generalise and say everyone needs the same thing because it's not true. Just the same way you are unique as a person, you also have unique needs and food is one of them. 
So LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! It knows what it needs better than who ever made up that recommended daily allowance malarkey!

3) Have lunch Al-fresco NOT lunch Al-Desko!

By this I mean make time for meal times. Don't eat a meal in a rush, don't eat on the go and don't eat while you're working. Now by no means am I saying that its an excuse to skip a meal just because you are too busy at work or collage to eat lunch; for example, you have a deadline and need to get something finished ASAP. In situations like that its much much better to eat while you work than not to eat at all.
But where possible, set aside half an hour on a morning, half an hour on an afternoon and half an hour on an evening where you just take a break from everything that's going on and sit down somewhere nice and peaceful to eat your meals. I say this because you will get MUCH more enjoyment out of your food if it is your sole focus. It's so easy to sit browsing facebook or instagram while your eating or to eat in front of the TV, paying more attention to the TV show than your food! I'm guessing most of you do it? Next time you eat that way, notice how you end up just mindlessly chewing your food and not noticing how it tastes. This is because it doesn't have your full attention, you're distracted so you're not getting the full experience of your meal. Trust me, You'll get a LOT more enjoyment and fulfillment from your food if you give it your full attention.
Another reason why you should set aside time each day for your meals is SELF CARE! Think about it, the basic human needs are to eat, to drink and to sleep. So one of the fundamental parts of a good self care regime is to take some time out of your day that's just for you, make time to nourish your body. Honestly, lunch time is an ideal opportunity to have some me time and de-stress a little. That way you can tackle the afternoon with a fresh mindset. I like to take time away from the office at lunch time so I have zero distractions, and at the moment, since the weather is still nice and warm, its a good chance to take the opportunity to venture outside and get some fresh air. Recently I've been lunching by the lake in the park near where I work (as you can see above!). For me this is ideal as I love being outside, obviously everyone is different so its just finding what works for you and sticking with it! 
So whether it be visiting the local park, eating lunch at your fave cafe or even just sitting in the canteen/ cafeteria at your work place or school; make sure you make time in your schedule, because you DESERVE to fulfill your basic human needs!   

4) Get INTIMATE with your food!!

And by this I mean MINDFUL EATING (not any weird cucumber business!!).
I'm Guessing some of you will have heard of this technique? I found this to be one of the most helpful and valuable things I learned in recovery! It really does help you appreciate what you are eating, and for me it took away all the feelings of guilt I'd get after eating. But as I say everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another, its just a case of trying things out and seeing how they make you feel. This is just one persons experience. 
Anyways, mindful eating; how is it done?
So I was taught to do this with a segment of an orange, but you can use anything! 
Start off by pretending you are an alien from another planet and you've never ever seen any "earth food" before. 
Pick up your orange segment or whatever you have chosen, notice how it feels in your hand. Is it cold? is it smooth? is it squishy? Take the time to notice EVERYTHING about how it feels before moving on. 
Next, take a good look at your segment, notice the patterns in it, the veins. Can you see any pips inside it? Are there any air bubbles? What shade of orange is it? Are there any bits of that white stuff on it from the peel (no idea what that stuff is called!! haha). 
Moving on, place the segment near to your lips, How does it feel against your skin? What does it smell like? 
Next, place it in your mouth but don't chew yet, just hold it on your tongue for a bit. What do you notice about that? What initial flavors can you taste?
Then Slowly bite into the orange, what do you notice about that? Can you feel its juices in your mouth? Has the flavor changed? Notice the texture of the segment and how the tastes and sensations change as you chew. 
Once the orange is sufficiently chewed, slowly swallow it. Notice it going down your throat and down your esophagus. How does that feel? What are the textures and sensations?
Finally take time to notice how that exercise made YOU feel! Did you notice new things that you hadn't before? Did it make you feel satisfied?  
And then when you're ready move on to the next bite! 

So just a little disclaimer, the above technique shouldn't be used as a way to avoid eating, like "oh if I cant eat mindfully I'll just not eat", nope that's not the purpose of it! Just eat mindfully when you can, if you can't then its OK, you can still enjoy your food! 

5. VARIETY is the spice of life!

My final tip for enjoying eating is pretty basic but I still think it's an important one! Don't just stick to the same thing day in day out. Having the same thing for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks every single day can be pretty boring and soon enough it'll become a chore and you'll stop enjoying eating it!
Now I'm not necessarily saying have a drastic change, a subtle change has the same effect, less is more as they say!
For example, I tend to stick to the same kinda breakfast and lunch routine on weekdays because its easy to prepare and take with me to work. I have oats for breakfast and usually salad for lunch, but I like to experiment with the ingredients. One day i might make my oats with peanut butter and banana, the next day I'll make them with berries and vanilla extract! My salad one day may be chicken, the next day may be tuna, also this week's salads have featured AVOCADO, (which I looovvvee!) so that has got me really excited about lunch time at the moment !  
As you can see, a simple ingredient swap keeps your meal times fresh and exciting so they don't become mundane and tedious and so you don't get bored.
Also (if your as sad as I am), you don't have to stop at the actual food! I like making my meals look nicely presented. If any of you follow my instagram, you'll probably know I bought some mason jars at the weekend, which I am now FULLY obsessed with! But just this simple change of container has got me so excited about meal times this week! 
It seems simple, but incorporating things you love into your meal times really does help! 

So that's it guys, my 5 steps to always enjoying meal times! As I said they may not work for all of you, but they've certainly worked for me, and who knows, hopefully some of you will find them helpful too!! But whatever the outcome, I wish any of you in recovery the best of luck! You are all so strong and amazing so NEVER give up, because YOU GOT THIS!

Stay fabulous my beauties!
Becky XOXO 

Saturday, 3 September 2016

My FIRST blog post: Be the best YOU, you can be!!

Hello my beauties and welcome to my first ever blog post!! Some of you may know me from my Instagram account (@bopo_becky.x), but if you want to find out a little more about me and my cause, click on the "About me" link to the right of my page :)

So today I wanted to talk a little bit about recognizing your progress and achievements. The title of this post, and kinda the theme behind the whole blog is "Be the best you, you can be". But what does that mean? It doesn't mean you have to be the best person on the planet, nor does it mean you have to be perfect, you don't have to be the best at doing what you do. What it DOES mean is that you should always try and be better than the person you were yesterday! 
I think it's very easy to get swept up by life and only see the big picture, It's easy to beat yourself up because you haven't reached your goal yet or because you perceive others to be better than you are. Everyone does it! 
As an example I'm going to talk about my running (as some of you may know I'm a total running addict and I've recently started running competitively). So a lot of the time I get irritated with myself because I'm not quite as fast as some other runners and I haven't ran as far as some others have (11.2 miles is the furthest I've ever gone in one go). Sometimes I get really down about it and I just sit there and think, "why am I not as good as that person is? Maybe I should just give up running all together". Times like that I just need to STOP and think about myself, NOT anyone else. What have I achieved in comparison to MYSELF? Well quite a damn lot actually!! This time last year I was classing 4 miles as my "long run" now 10+ miles is my "long run", 4 miles is basically my warm up now!! That's huge progress when you think about it like that. This time last year my average pace was 12.5 mins per mile and now its 10.5 mins per mile. This time last year I could only run 2 or 3 miles before I needed to stop and walk and now I can run 9 to 10 miles all in one go! Yes I'm not as good as other people are, but I've definitely come a long way from what I used to be!
Take other people out of the equation and YOUR achievements are AMAZING!!
This way of thinking can be applied to anything! Body positivity, social anxiety, eating disorder recovery. 
I was just discussing with a friend earlier today how I'm self conscious about my legs, especially the tops of them (not sure whether you can tell from the photos above but I have quite a few scars on them). Until quite recently actually I'd never EVER show my bare legs! I'd wear tights under shorts, dresses and skirts. But now I'm showing off my BARE legs to the whole of the internet. Am I 100% happy with my body 100% of the time? I'm not gonna lie to you guys, the answer is no! But I'm one hell of a lot happier with it than I have ever been in the whole of my life! 
I love the saying "comparison is the thief of joy" because how damn true that statement is! The moment you stop caring about what others look like compared to you, what others are doing compared to what your doing, what others have achieved compared to what you have; that's the moment you can truly start living, truly start being happy for being YOU!!
Because no one else can be you; you are unique, a one off, tailor made! There are no rules for how to live, how to act, how to be you! Society makes us think that there are rules we must follow, a certain way to look and act but in reality that's not true! 
So as long as you can ask yourself, "Am I better than the person I was yesterday?" and answer that with a big fat YESSS!! Then rest assured you are doing it right! 

Keep being you my beauties :)
Love Becky XOXO